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Budgeting 101:  Introduction to Budgeting and Banking
This 90-minute presentation will introduce simple budgeting concepts and steps you can take to create and follow a budget.   Topics will include how to calculate income and expenses, identify needs versus wants and provide tips and ideas on how to create and use your budgeting plan.   In addition, the presentation will also cover basic banking knowledge, such as how to open a bank account and stay in good standing, the difference between debit and credit cards, what a credit score is and why it is important.  Handouts and worksheets will be provided.  Presenters are from Stilly Valley Health Connections and Coastal Community Bank.
November 23rd, 2019
Time:  11am to 12:30pm
Darrington Library in the Darrington Meeting Room
1005 Cascade Street – Darrington
Age Group:  16 years and older