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Life can feel overwhelming after the loss of a loved one.  For many, it is a time of feeling alone and helpless.  In this 8-week grief & loss support group, members will meet with others who have suffered loss, explore the individual grief process, and gain knowledge and insight of useful grief coping skills to help participants begin to heal.
Facilitated by Grief Support Specialist, Peggy Ray with Rays of Hope, she will work with participants to find hope and start their pathway to healing.
This group will be meeting in-person.  All attendees will be required to follow current COVID-19 guidelines, which may include wearing masks and social distancing. 
Pre-registration is required.   Space is limited with priority given to individuals residing in the communities of Arlington and Darrington. 
Dates: 8-week series starts Monday, October 25th.  [10/25; 11/1; 11/8; 11/15; 11/22; 11/29; 12/6; 12/13.]
Time:  2pm to 4pm.
Host: Stilly Valley Health Connections
Location: Stilly Valley Health Connections – Birch Room