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Poverty 101 is a training that helps participants better understand the unique challenges of short and long-term poverty.  It is designed to provide tools that will help individuals and organizations find the best way to engage with the people who are experiencing poverty.  Content will include exploring differences of socio-economic cultures, how communication and perception differences impact interactions with those experiencing poverty and look at how systems might create barriers to change.   This training was developed and will be led by a team of facilitators from the Everett Gospel Mission and will follow their secular format.  This class is free and open to individuals and organizations in our community.   This class will be offered in-person; however, it may move to online if needed.  Please call 360-386-9918 or visit stillyvalleyhealth.org to register.
Date: Monday, March 7, 2022
Time: 9am to 1:30pm
Facilitated by:  Everett Gospel Mission
Host: Stilly Valley Health Connections
Location: 3405 173rd Place NE, Arlington