What is Germ Busters?
Stilly Valley Health Connections offers a Germ Busters Program that teaches children (and adults too) the proper techniques on handwashing using a fun, interactive learning experience. Germ Busters is offered year round, however the most popular time is in late fall, right before cold and flu season hits.
What do we do?
We start the program talking about germs, how they spread and can cause an illness, such as a cold or the flu. For younger participants, we read ‘Buddy Bear’s Handwashing Troubles’ by Marjorie T. Cooke. This leads into instruction on how to properly wash hands. After the instruction period, the participants rub a lotion, called GlitterBug Potion, onto their hands, which acts as pretend germs. Next, the participants wash their hands using warm water and soap, following proper handwashing techniques. The last step is to come back to the Germ Busters table and place washed hands under a UV light. The areas that did not get washed glow and it provides instant feedback on how well the handwasher did cleaning their hands. At the end of the program, participates are given handouts and stickers to help them remember to wash their hands.
Our program is mobile and can be brought into classrooms, daycare centers, meetings or health fair events.
Want to learn more about the program, request a visit from The Germ Busters Squad or volunteer as a Germ Busters Instructor? Contact us via email at info@stillyvalleyhealth.org or call our office at: 360-386-9918.