Mental Health Rocks!
If you live or work anywhere in the Stillaguamish Valley, you already know it is an awesome place to be. May is National Mental Health Awareness Month and we want to show how much the Stilly Valley rocks mental health! Physical exercise has been shown to be an important component in mental health and general wellness. This can be achieved by walking, mountain biking, fishing, birdwatching, hiking and so much more! Join your community members outside searching for #SVmentalhealthrocks to care for yourself, explore your community and search for treasure.
For the entire month of May, the Stilly Valley Health and Well Being Collaborative will be stashing beautifully painted rocks up and down the valley. Rocks might be on your favorite trail, hidden in a tree, or sitting out in plain sight somewhere on a sidewalk. When you find a Stilly Valley Mental Health Rock, take a picture and post it on social media or email it to with the hashtag #SVMentalhealthrocks for an entry to win great prizes from local businesses!
We will regularly update our Facebook page throughout the month with the trails our rocks are on, information on local activities you can participate in and general daily inspiration to start your day with, so be sure to join us by clicking here.
We would like to thank the following businesses and organizations who donated to this event

Prize winners will receive notification via email Monday, June 14th 2021
If you are on the hunt for mental health rocks go to the following trails:
Darrington Parks (Old School, Frisbee Golf Course, Nels Bruseth)

Mental Health Rocks! is a program of the Stilly Valley Health & Well-Being Collaborative. This collaboration is made up of local organizations working together to improve the health and well-being of our community. For more information about the collaborative, please click HERE.
If Emotional pain were visible, we would all conduct ourselves very differently.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Crisis Text Line
Text -741714
National Youth Talk Line Youth Serving Youth through age 25 –1-800-246-7743
LGBTQ Peer Support – 1-888-234-7243
Bullying Support Text Line – Text 66746

The following is data from ParkRx and shows the health benefits of being out in nature for your physical and mental health Click on any of the items below to learn more:
Physical Activity
Inequalities – Disparities
Brain Health