Weekly Check-in with Heather Harmony - May 4th, 2020
Weekly Check-in With Heather Harmony - May 18, 2020

May 11, 2020

Hello Yoga Friends,

In this week’s online yoga resourcing and support we borrow from a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction approach. The mindfulness resources are taken from https://palousemindfulness.com/ which offers a free and comprehensive course on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. Also, please check out the link on the main page for the covid-19 resource page, which offers an amazing and extensive list of free resources including podcasts, practices, retreats to do at home, and even comedy. 

1.Take your seat: seated or reclined body scan meditation:

Enjoy this 20 minute guided meditation and sink into a deeper awareness of being in your body.

Find it here:. https://palousemindfulness.com/meditations/bodyscan20min.html, along with an accompanying written explanation here: https://palousemindfulness.com/docs/bodyscan.pdf.

2. Warm up: yoga for neck, shoulders and upper back:

Find this 10 minute practice targeting the upper body, with instructor Adriene right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3-gKPNyrTA .

3. Breath focus:self-Inquiry of your breath:

Explore your breath pattern in a comfortable seated or lying position, but also consider trying this at different times throughout the day, even standing while doing something else such as washing dishes, or walking. Begin with noticing your breath, without trying to change it. Then get curious about the qualities of your breath: is it smooth or choppy? full or shallow? engaging the belly or just the chest? long or short? and then see if your inhales and exhales are of even length. Notice what feels best to you right now – a similar length or a longer exhale?

4. Foundation pose: table top position:

Find out more about the nuances of alignment, strength and awareness in table top position with this 11 minute practice with Adriene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGAntbDQ6Xg&list=PLui6Eyny-UzyugJTu3l1YFL0k3nGIlaz9&index=32.

5. Spring detox theme: 

a) Health tip from yoga’s sister science of ayurveda medicine: In ayurvedic medicine there is great consideration given to one’s constitutional type, referred to as one’s dosha. Discover your own constitution right here: https://shop.chopra.com/dosha-quiz/?sso_code=eyJpdiI6IlBDdGRra3ZxQk9aekVrUzRrT0RRd3c9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiT2p3cXpUaXYxZGRwTWJSV1hUQmxnNGpYQUpHeTFCVmFLRU9FUmNGMjVjeCtIdll5ZHpNTzBIN1huTG9CZk5NRXZXSG5FTUJqT1VFSzd0VmYwc1lpRWRZY3ZyXC9DdHFuSGZpTGxkUHhFWmtvPSIsIm1hYyI6IjBkZTY5YjczNjc1MDEzYzVjODlmZGVkODY1MTQ1YWY3YmQyYmY1YTk3OWNiMzIxYWZkY2UwYjZjM2JiOWJiOTAifQ%3D%3D Note, to get your results you type in your email, but if you don’t want to receive further info from the Chopra site, then unsubscribe.

b) Detox yoga pose:According to both ayurveda and traditional chinese medicine, spring is an optimal time to support the detox of the liver: Find a 7 minute informative video on yoga for a healthy liver right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdVtXC-oq5o. Please ignore the last comment about perfection though!

6. Guided gentle yoga class:Mindful Yoga: 

Enjoy this gentle 37 minute class with both mat and chair options. Find the introduction and explanation right here: https://palousemindfulness.com/meditations/yoga1.html ,or skip right to the video here:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Teo0f1ab1PY&index=3&list=PLbiVpU59JkVaFMGi0A8Im_hfSh-SWsFwg.

7. Intention:

Take a moment to create an intention or focus to take with you into the rest of your day or evening. What focus or just one word will support you at this time? My phrase today is ‘go with the flow’.

8. Namaste:

And finally, let us take a bow to each other, and to each one on the planet. Namaste: the divine light of consciousness in me honors the divine light of consciousness in you.

Thank you for tuning in to this yoga moment, and blessings to you and your loved ones,

Heather Harmony  

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