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A six-week online series for parents and guardians of adolescents, ages 11-18.

Are you struggling to connect with your teen? Looking for ideas on how to improve your parenting skills? In need of a safe place to talk about your concerns?

This free support group is for parents or guardians of adolescents, ages 11 to 18, and is facilitated by a therapist with the Women and Family Wellness Studio. This group is a safe place for you to bring your questions, concerns, worries, and hear from others who share similar struggles. The ability to turn on your camera and microphone for the group is required.

What: This group meets every week for six weeks

Date: Every Wednesday- April 10, 17, 24 & May 1, 8, 15

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm PST

Where: Online via Zoom

Cost: The program is free to attend. Registration is required.

Note: If this class is oversubscribed, priority will be given to residents living in the areas served by Public Hospital District #3 (Stilly Valley Health Connections serving North Snohomish County) due to funding restrictions. Individuals living outside of the boundaries will only remain on the list if space is available. Participants will be notified of the status of their spot in the class no later than Friday, April 5th.